Theme Chairs
Theme Chairs:
1 - Perspectives for a 100% RE World: Andrew Blakers (ANU), Sven Teske (University of Technology Sydney)
2 - c-Si Photovoltaics: Masafumi Yamaguchi (Toyota Technological Institute), Brett Hallam, (University of New South Wales)
3 - Other PV Technologies: Michael Graetzel (EPFL), Charlie Gay (Violet Power)
4 - Innovative PV Deployment: Thomas Reindl (SERIS Singapore), Ricardo Ruther (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
5 - Solar Thermal Electricity and Fuel Production: Ashvini Kumar (TERI), Manuel Romero (imdea)
7 - Grid Integration: Angelina Galiteva (Renewables 100 Policy Institute), Rodrigo Moreno (Universidad de Chile)
8 - Solar Heating and Cooling Technologies: Korbinian Kramer (Fraunhofer ISE), Andreas Häberle (Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Science)
9 - Renewable and Efficient Heating and Cooling Systems: Ulrike Jordan (University of Kassel), Christoph Brunner (AEE INTEC)
10 - Thermal Energy Storage: Luisa Cabeza (University of Lleida), Anastasia Stamatiou (University of Applied Science and Arts Luzern)
12 - Solar Resource Assessment and Energy Meteorology: Richard Perez (University of Albany), Carmen Koehler (p3r solutions)
13 - Solar Buildings and Urban Design: Alexandra Troi (Eurac), Maria Wall (University of Lund)
ISREE-14: 14th International Symposium on Renewable Energy Education: Dr. Paulette Middleton (Panorama Pathways), Prof. Larry L. Kazmerski, University of Colorado