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About SWC 2021


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The ISES Solar World Congress, held biennially since the 1950's embodies the spirit of international networking and exchange of ideas advanced by the , text-left, images-1, weiss


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The ISES Solar World Congress, held biennially since the 1950's embodies the spirit of international networking and exchange of ideas advanced by the Society.

The ISES Solar World Congresses embody the spirit of international networking and exchange of ideas advanced by the Society. It's objective is to maintain communication between the research community, industrial and political players. At the ISES Solar World Congresses, leading scientists, engineers, architects, and representatives from industry and business gather and discuss the latest research results, technological developments and opportunities in solar energy at the following ISES events. SWC 2021 will bring together a global audience from the renewable energy community and online participants and invited speakers will include scientists and researchers, industry representatives, government and NGO leaders, entrepreneurs, practitioners, and students from around the world.

Read the full SWC 2021 Welcome Message by Congress Chair Dr. David Renné here!

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