The Technical Research and Development of Large Solar District Heating System in China
Tuesday, 26. October 2021
The Keynote duration is 0:30 hours.
The Technical Research and Development of Large Solar District Heating System in China
More information soon
Qingtai Jiao

Mr. Qing tai Jiao (Professor-level senior engineer); Vice president and chief engineer of Solareast holdings Co., Ltd.(China). He has nearly 20 years of experience in solar thermal utilization product development and technology research, with more than 30 invention patents; He is the deputy director of the national solar energy standardization technical committee of China, and participated in the formulation of more than 30 national solar energy standards.
He is also IEA-SHC task55 subtask B leader; Convenor of ISO TC180/WG3 and Gold Member of ISES.